


S. No. Name of the company/Institution Date of signing MOU/collaboration Duration Purpose of MOU
1 School of Manufacturing skills, Bhartiya Skill Development University,  Jaipur (BSDU) 25-Mar-2021 3 Years training, internship, research & development, seminars, workshops and related services
2 Hubai Hongcheng Valves Pvt. Ltd., Zirakpur 22-Feb-2021 1 Year Research, training &  development and dissemination of knowledge, Technical Training for the students
3 Tata Steel Limited 01-Dec-2020 2 Years To enhance technical curriculum, upskilling the students and providing expert consultancy services
4 Motif  Electric Limited 26-Feb-2019 3 Years Research collaboration, Training and placement for the students
5 Time Education Delhi Centre 28-Dec-2018 3 Years Conducting Gate preparation classes in campus

List of Clients

ABESEC Ghaziabad 201911010265 15/03/2019 17/07/2020(P) Mrs. Monika Chauhan, Mr.Ankur Dixit, Mr. Praval Lumar, Mr. Rajnesh Kumar Singh ME/EC AN AEROFOIL FAN BLADE AND FANS WITH AEROFOIL BLADES published Havells India Limited TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER
ABESEC Ghaziabad 201911039417 30/09/2019 17/07/2020(P) Dr. Rahul Saini, Mr.Naveen Kumar ME A Process for fault diagnosis and removal of casting defects in copper alloy fancy faucets published Shah Multilayer Private Limited CONSULTANCY

Activities Conducted Under MoUs

Latest Completed Academic Year (2019-20)
S.No. Name of Company Activity Name Number of faculty /students involved/ benefitted Date of event
1 Tata Steel Limited A session on "Bearing Mounting/Dismounting Procedure" (Online Mode) 25 Students of 3rd Year and 1 faculty member 7th Dec 2020
2 Motif  Electric Limited Guest lecture on " Road to Industry 4.0 and technlogies enabling industry 4.0" 50+ Faculties 10th Jun 2019
3 Time Education Delhi Centre Seminar on "Higher study [GATE] preparation" 180 Students Jan-19

List of Projects Undertaken

Sl. No. Title of the collaborative activity Name of the collaborating agency with contact details Name of the participant Year of Award Amount Sanctioned Duration Nature of the activity Type  (Government/non-Government)
1 Smart Packaging and Monitoring Box with IOT for fruits and vegetables MEITY GOI Mr. Mohit Bansal 2020 100000 1 Year Research Government
2 Touchless Door Opening Handle MEITY GOI Mr. Anoop Pandey 2020 150000 1 Year Research Government
3 KALA KI CAR MEITY GOI Mr. Tushar Rajput 2020 150000 1 Year Research Government
4 Toothbrush Bristle Replacer MEITY GOI Mr. Tureen Gupta 2020 50000 1 Year Research Government
5 Fabrication and numerical study of self healing smart polymers composites CRIP-AKTU Dr. Anuj Kumar Jain 2019 235361/- 1 Year                  (Jul-2019 to Jun-2020) Research Government
6 Design and Fabrication of Screw turbine Generator for waste water power generation from multiplex buildings CRIP-AKTU Dr. Anuj Kumar Jain 2019 300000 1 Year                  (Jul-2019 to Jun-2020) Research Government
7 Development of New Composite Bricks for Commercial Purpose CRIP-AKTU Prof. (Dr.) Dharmendra Singh 2019 300000 1 Year                  (Jul-2019 to Jun-2020) Research Government
8 Fault diagnosis and assessment of casting defects in copper alloy fancy single taps and faucets Shah Multilayer Private Limited Dr.Rahul Saini and Naveen Kumar 2018 55000 6 Month Research non-governmental agencies
9 Performance analysis and experimental validation of variable compression ratio engine using green fuel VRPS-AKTU Dr. Manish Saraswat, Mr. Ankur Dixit 2016 500000 3 Year Research Government