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Department of Computer Applications (MCA)


The Department of Computer Applications (MCA) is a two years Post Graduate Program that trains the students with the core fundamentals of programming and practical technique of problem-solving. A sound knowledge on Data structures and Algorithms plays a key role for the placements of the students. The department of MCA design their training modules as per the industry demands and render training to the students to be successful software developers. The students are exposed to analytics space, strong logical reasoning skills; supplemented with coding capabilities. Adequate hours of theory and practical sessions are planned for the students in diversified fields like Net Working, Ethical Hacking, Python, Java, Data Science and, Digital Marketing.

Currently we are running following two trainings-


Training Type- Technical (Data structure and Algorithms)


  • Understand the basic concept and applications of various Data Structure.
  • Analyze computational efficiency for various Algorithms.
  • Understand and Apply various problem-solving approaches.
  • Choose appropriate Data Structure in problem solving.
  • Synthesize conceptual knowledge as per industry requirement.
  • Prepare for various examinations, recruitment process and certification program.

Outcome- After the completion of this course students are able to:

  • Understand and explain the abstract data type of stack, queue, tree, graph and also able to implement these data structures as well as students are also able to implement searching and sorting algorithms.
  • Analyze computational efficiency for various Algorithms like recursive algorithms and iterative algorithms.
  • Understand and Apply various problem-solving approaches like backtracking, dynamic programming, greedy and divide and conquer.
  • Choose appropriate Data Structure in problem solving while solving real world problems.
  • Synthesize conceptual knowledge as per industry requirement.
  • Prepare for various examinations, recruitment process and certification program.

Training Module:

Module 1 - Basics and Complexity

Basic Terminology, Elementary Data Organization, Built in Data, Abstract Data Types (ADT) Enumeration, Boolean Data Type

Algorithm, Efficiency of an Algorithm, Time and Space Complexity, Asymptotic notations: Big Oh, Big Theta, Big Omega, Time-Space trade-off. How to calculate complexity manually in loops, Function and Recursive Function.

Module 2 - Array and String

Representation of Arrays: Row Major Order, and Column Major Derivation of Index Formulae for 1-D,2-D,3-D and n-D Array Application of arrays, Sparse Matrices and their representations.

Array Of Pointers, Pointer to an Array, Generic Array, Array name as constant pointer, Allocating Array on heap, Problems related to rotation of an array, arrangement/DE arrangement of an array, Optimization and order type problems, Address calculation of lower triangular, upper triangular, Z matrix and Toeplitz matrix. Introduction To String, Standard Library Function, Own Function For String Copy, length, concatenate etc., Array Of Pointer to String, Arithmetic Operation on String Character Count Based Problems on String Arrangement/Derangement, Problems Pattern Searching Problems, Rotation type Problem, Lexicographic type Problem Sorting of names, pattern searching in string

Module 3 - Link List

Array Implementation and Pointer Implementation of Circularly Linked List, Operations on a Linked List. Insertion, Deletion, Traversal Polynomial Representation and Addition Subtraction & Addition Subtraction & Multiplications of Two variables Polynomial. Finding loop in link list, Binary Search in link list, merging Point of two link list, Addition, subtraction and multiplication of two single link list, Conversion of tree to link list, conversion of link list to tree, Josephus Problem, sort the link list where nodes contains only 0,1,2.

Module 4 - Stack and Recursion

Abstract Data Type, Primitive Stack operations: Push & Pop. Array and Linked Implementation of Stack in C, Application of stack: Prefix and Postfix Expressions, Evaluation of postfix expression, Iteration and Recursion- Principles of recursion Tail recursion, Removal of recursion Problem solving using iteration and recursion with examples such as binary search, Fibbonacci numbers, and Hanoi towers. Trade-offs between iteration and recursion Multiple Stacks in Single Array, Head and Tail Recursion, Nested Recursion, Akermans Function. Recursion within loop, Subroutines Design stack with O(1) time and O(1) extra space Mergeablestack, Implementation of Stack Using Queue.

Module 5 - Queue

Operations on Queue: Create, Add, Delete, Queues : Full and Empty, Circular queues, Array and linked implementation of queues in C, Dequeue, Priority Queue Multiple Queues in single Array,Implementation of Queue using linked list.

Module 6 - Searching And Sorting

Searching: Concept of Searching, Sequential search, Index Sequential Search, Binary Search, Concept of Hashing & Collision resolution Techniques used in Hashing Ternary Search, Jump search, exponential search searching in 3n/2 time complexity Sorting: Insertion Sort, Selection, Bubble Sort, Radix Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Heap Sort.

Module 7 - Graph

Terminology used with Graph, Data Structure for Graph Representations: Adjacency Matrices, Adjacency List, Adjacency, Graph Traversal: Depth First Search and Breadth First Search, Connected Component, Spanning Trees, Minimum Cost Spanning Trees, Prims and Kruskal algorithm, Transitive Closure and Shortest Path algorithm: Warshal Algorithm, Dijikstra Algorithm.

Module 8 - Tree

Basic terminology used with Tree, Binary Trees, Binary Tree Representation: Array Representation and Pointer(Linked List) Representation, Binary Search Tree, Strictly Binary Tree ,Complete Binary Tree, A Extended Binary Trees, Tree Traversal algorithms: Inorder, Pre-order and Post order, Constructing Binary Tree from given Tree Traversal, Operation of Insertation , Deletion, Searching & Modification of data in Binary Search . Threaded Binary trees, Traversing Threaded Binary trees. Huffman coding using Binary Tree, Concept & Basic Operations for AVL Tree, B Tree & Binary Heaps. left view traversal, right view traversal.

Level Order Traversal, top view traversal bottom view traversal Lower Commom Ancestor in BST, Successor, Predecessor, Check Binary Treeis BST or not Median In BST, Convert binary tree to BST but structure same, TRIE Data Structure

Module 9 - Backtracking and Greedy

Rat Maze Problem, N Queen Problem, Knight Tour Problem, Sudoku-Puzzle, Permutation of given string.

Module 10 - Dynamic Programming

Overlapping Sub-problems, Optimal Substructure, Top Down Approach, Bottom-up Approach, Memorization, Edit Distance Problem, LCS Problem, String Interleaving Problem, Dropping Egg Puzzle, Subset Sum Problem, Coin Change Problem, Cutting A Rod problem.

Duration (Hours of Training)

  • 80 Hours Theory (for Concept delivery)
  • 80 Hours Lab (Hands-on training & implementation)

Impact on Placement-

Data structures and Algorithms plays very important role in placement and the whole module is design according to problems asked in different companies and examination so impact on placement is very high.


Type of training: - Python Knowledge Enhancement Training

Objective: - This training is designed to provide Basic knowledge of Python. To understand why Python is a useful scripting language for developers. To learn how to design and program Python applications. To learn how to use lists, tuples, and dictionaries in Python programs.

Outcome: - Problem solving and programming capability. Design real life situational problems and think creatively about solutions of them.

Modules: -

Module 1: Introduction to Basic

Module 2: Introduction to Operator

Module 3: Introduction to Decision Control System

Module 4: Introduction to String

Module 5: Introduction to List

Module 6: Introduction to Tuple and Set

Module 7: Introduction to Dictionary

Module 8: Introduction to Function

Module 9: Introduction to Built-in-Function

Module 10: Introduction to Modules

Module 11: Introduction to Exception Handling

Module 12: Introduction to Objects

Module 13: Introduction to Date, Time

Module 14: Introduction to Regular Expression

Module 15: Introduction to Data Structure

Duration: - 40 Hours

Impact on placements: - Benefits the students for their placement.